Thursday, July 2, 2015

What are anabolic steroids?

Anabolic steroids is a naturally occurring hormone in the body similar to the pharmaceutical chemicals. The production of this drug is legal, and can be safely used to treat hormone imbalances, endocrine disorders, or muscle wasting diseases such as AIDS. However, anabolic steroids are often in athletes seeking a competitive advantage on the black market.
As a sex hormone testosterone, the anabolic steroids are closely linked Methyldrostanolone Superdrol Injectable Anabolic Steroid Bodybuilding Supplement. It is a kind of sexual development and physical maturity very important hormones. For example, a man's testosterone is responsible for male characteristics, promote male development in adolescence. The formation of sexual organs, a deeper voice, grow a beard, and produce sperm and the like. In addition, in adolescence synthetic construct muscular action. Some people can not naturally produce enough testosterone, so pharmaceutical groups developed artificial and synthetic steroid hormone to help treat this disorder.
In the 21st century, the phenomenon of abuse of a student or professional athletes, anabolic steroids has attracted public attention. Large numbers of drug abuse in high school students, college students, and even Olympic athletes shocking. These athletes seek illegal drugs anti-catabolic effect, in order to build muscle and avoid crashes. Anabolic steroids can make them go faster, stronger, better athletic performance. However, this type of drugs also cause a variety of complications.
Side effects of anabolic steroids abuse range from risk of injury to health, to a more serious infection injection needle, such as HIV infection and so on. Way to take these drugs of abuse range from intramuscular injection, take a pill or liquid, to topical creams. Anabolic steroid abuse has numerous drawbacks, including increased stroke, liver failure, heart attacks and other dangers. In addition, there are different male characteristics influence the accumulation of excess fat from the female long beard and voice changes, male testes to shrink or impotence. Today, many health organizations are trying to awaken people to reduce drug abuse, to avoid the unfortunate event.